So yea…I had to take a break from mixing to get myself reacquainted with my other true love, Ableton. After a few tutorials, a few beers and a weekend in-between, I came up with this DMX remix of What’s My Name. Could it be better, YES, but I was really just practicing and working to reach a few goals. My goals for this project were fairly simple:
- Apply some basic EDM track writing formulas
- Add in some production techniques,
- Leverage my new VSTs to build some cool synths
- Give mastering a once over
- Basically just finish something
After getting some pretty good feedback thus for from the small audience who has been exposed to the track, I feel like I am walking down the right path. Keep putting one foot in front of the other that’s what my momma told me and that’s what I’m gunna do. Check out the track and follow me on Soundcloud!